The prospect of immortality

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The study lasted 6 years of life after death revived, was newly published.

The image of a document precious British photographer has revealed mysterious world of those who believe they will be revived science in the future.

Life after death, for many people, is the existence of the soul. Accordingly, when the body atrophy, will remain something mysterious has yet to be proven scientifically. However, for those obsessed with freezing technique, "a second life", or more accurately, life is resurrected after death, their new target.

The prospect of immortality is a 6-year-long study by the British photographer Murray Ballard made. He has traveled around the world and recorded the dramatic images of people frozen world, a path not only attract those "crazy" science, but also to contribute by companies trading injustice mail, at least physically to wait days back positive.

Admittedly, the size of the industry is not very big, according to Ballard photographer, who had the opportunity to visit the base of the Association Extend the life Alcor in Phoenix, Arizona (USA); Frozen Institute in Detroit (Michigan); Suspended Animation Company (Die fake) in Boytan Beach, Florida (USA); KrioRus in Moscow (Russia) ...

Viễn cảnh của sự bất tử - 1
Up to now, it is unclear whether this is just in science fiction or is actually a method to help people immortal - Photo:

Technically frozen corpse preserved in liquid nitrogen at a temperature of -196 ° C, was started in the 1960s.

Method conservation body has yet to be reversed with the current scientific level, but the frozen theory still hope that someday in the future, the bodies lay motionless on can be revived by modern technologies.

Difficult to obtain accurate statistics, but an estimated 2,000 people had signed up for this adventure, and there were 250 people in a frozen state, along with more than 100 pets. And among those who enjoy the prospect of immortality thanks to this method program examiner famous X-Factor Simon Cowell, according to the Daily Mail.

Ballard's project began in 2006, after the photographer read news attention: Frozen failure dashed hopes revival of two people in France. He was calling for a specialized group of corpses frozen in the UK and participate in the meeting as well as technical training.

Real opportunity came when Ballard met one of the founders KrioRus, frozen Russian organizations, and record images both 2 resting place of the first to apply the method above.

That's tomb on the outskirts of the city of St. Petersburg, and where to store the head in Moscow. First preservation requires less cost storage case both bodies. "These individuals do not want to go back to life with the original body. Instead, they want a new body. They only care about the preservation of the brain, the part that they believe will retain memories and his true identity, "according to Wired quoted Ballard.

Unlike mainstream science, scientists immortal theory often homemade frozen through tools they are able to serve the objectives they pursue. In addition, freezing technologies have little progress during the past 6 years, but for those in the industry, any new scientific techniques can also be related to their work.

And the body was lying in a solution of liquid nitrogen would not be urging those responsible to quickly revive yourself. Anyway, who has agreed to sign the agreement are frozen body warned that it may take 20 to 50 years, or 200 years in the case of the prospect that they always dreamed of becoming a reality.

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