Is light and air considered as matter? Why not?

By 03:18 , ,

Have you ever wondered an interesting science facts  question: Is light and air considered as matter? Why not? Let’s see how

That's a really great question. In fact this question caused a great debate among physicists during the time of Isaac Newton. Newton thought that light was a stream of little particles and other physicists such as Christian Huygens thought that the universe was filled with tiny particles called aether particles and that light was just a wave moving through the aether.

Image result for why light is not considered as matter

To make a long story short, it turns out they're both kind of wrong... and they're both kind of right. In some situations light sort of acts like a stream of particles and in others it acts sort of like a wave. Today many physicists (myself included) like to say that light is neither a particle or a wave... it's just light.

So, some might say that because light can carry energy from the sun to the earth it must be matter. Others might say that because you can't hold a lump of light in your hand light isn't matter. It all depends on what you mean by the word 'matter.' But the important thing to remember is that light doesn't care what you call it, it will still act the same way no matter what. That's why in physics we try not to worry too much about what things are called and focus on understanding how things actually behave.
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