Cutest Animal Facts In The World

By 21:32 , , ,

Explore the eccentricities of the amazing animal facts kingdom, as we reveal some surprising behaviors and habits about them

1. When cats head butt you, they are showing trust to make you feel safe.

2. Dogs sneeze to show other dogs that they’re being playful, not aggressive.

3. Studies have shown that goats have accents. Also they look adorable in sweaters.

4. A “fluffle” is what you call a group of rabbits.

5. When flamingos are hanging out together they’re called a “flamboyance”.

6. Crows are actually super smart. They even play pranks on each other just for fun.


7. Rare white tiger facts carry a gene that is only present in around 1 in every 10000 tigers.

White tiger

8. The red panda uses its long bushy tail not only for balance, but also as a blanket during chilly winter nights.

9. Baby Japanese Macaques make snowballs. They do not use them for any survival purposes, they just like to have fun.

10. Slow loris may be cute, but it’s the only venomous primate in the world. When it raises its arms, it’s performing a defensive stance, and preparing a venom.

11. When puppies play fight, boy puppies will often let girl puppies win.

For more: elephants facts for kids
Posted by factoflifeinus

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